La rassegna estiva
12 06 2023
Ecco la programmazione de La Terra delle Donne per questa settimana. *PiĆ¹ le nostre rassegne estive da qui al 5 luglio!
22 02 2023
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the main foods of the Mediterranean diet. Many studies show that cooking with extra virgin olive oil increases the nutrient content of food because the antioxidants in extra virgin olive oil are so resistant to high heat that they don't break down and end up being absorbed by the cooked food. Furthermore, extra virgin olive oil helps cooked foods to retain some nutrients that are usually lost during cooking. An essential element on Italian tables, it has a lower degree of acidity than other oils, is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and phytosterols and has enormous nutritional value. In addition to being the perfect companion to our dishes, extra virgin olive oil is also rich in properties and benefits for both health and aesthetics. Let's see together which ones!
IT'S GOOD FOR THE HEART: Consumed in the right quantities, extra virgin olive oil is a precious ally for cardiovascular health; it is in fact composed of monounsaturated fats (about 73%) which are healthy fats that help the functionality of the heart.GOOD FOR BONES: Improves the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc, three essential minerals for maintaining bone density
ANALGESIC AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: in fact, the oil contains a molecule, called oleocanthal, which has the same effect on our body as ibuprofen. This was demonstrated by a study by Gary Beauchamp and Paul Breslin of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. The analgesic action of extra virgin olive oil is given by oleocanthal, the substance that gives the oil its typical spicy flavor (that is, the one that makes our throats burn a bit when we ingest it).
HELPS THE INTESTINY: it is a highly digestible food and helps the well-being of the stomach and intestines, thanks to its mildly laxative properties.
COSMETIC PROPERTIES: olive oil is widely used in cosmetics for its antioxidant properties, rich in vitamin E, it protects our cell membranes from aging processes.
IT'S GOOD FOR THE DIET: it's the condiment with the best balance of fats and it's a concentrate of vitamins and minerals and helps keep CHOLESTEROL under control.
As we have seen, extra virgin olive oil is one of the most prodigious foods that nature offers us. We can consume it every day by including it in our diet but always remembering not to exaggerate and exceed the recommended doses.
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