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Accademia Olearia

A passion that unites us

For four generations our family has been producing excellence in the oil field because we are convinced that everything starts from the generous and fertile land of our territory. A passion that unites us in the search for the best oil that these places can express and the tradition that we have been carrying on for 40 years.

The olive tree, a sign of strength and beauty, represents our territory in an exemplary way. Alghero, in the north-west of Sardinia, is an area with a unique natural and scenic beauty. For millennia, oil has always been the protagonist of these places. Here our olive groves benefit from the marine climate and clean air to grow and bear excellent fruit. It is this origin that makes the difference, that gives a unique character and taste to our products.

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The origin of taste

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Accademia Olearia

Ulivo una storia millenaria Ulivo una storia millenaria

The olive tree in Sardinia: A millenary history.

An ancient Mediterranean legend tells of Athena and Poseidon who challenged each other to offer the most beautiful gift to the people, Zeus would have been the judge of the competition between the two powerful deities. Poseidon, created the most powerful and fastest horse, capable of winning all battles. Athena, on the other hand, gave birth to a beautiful tree from the earth, which healed wounds, cured diseases and offered nourishment, giving well-being and peace to all the people who would cultivate it. Zeus enraptured by the beauty of Athena's gift, blessed the leaves saying: "You gave men the olive tree and with it you gave light, food and an eternal symbol of peace".

Il segreto del buonvivere accademia olearia

The secret of good living

Living well also means eating well. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, in a clean environment with sound principles.