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What does your skin need?

Normal, dry, oily or mixed, each of us has our own skin type and for each woman we have studied the best beauty routine to make our cosmetics more effective and functional. The cosmetologists of Laboratori Eudermica are close to you and always advise you on the best. Whatever your skin type, we have the right products for you. Choose from the beauty routines we have defined for you.

Normal skin


Colorito roseo, la pelle è luminosa, priva di imperfezioni, liscia al tatto, levigata, ben idratata, film idrolipidico equilibrato, buona microcircolazione.

How to treat it
The goal is to maintain the physiological balance of the skin over time and prevent the signs of aging; daily cleansing and hydration is therefore recommended, supported by the use of anti-aging active ingredients and sunscreen.

The products that are right for you:
  • Arbutus cleansing gel
  • Oil Free Moisturizing Booster Serum with Hyaluronic Acid and Strawberry Tree
  • Strawberry tree light texture day cream
  • Strawberry tree night face cream
  • Strawberry tree eye and lip contour

Dry and dehydrated skin

Dull complexion, dry, rough, reddened, inelastic and chapped; often manifests premature aging phenomena.

Main causes of dehydration

  • Repeated and too frequent use of aggressive detergents;
  • With increasing age there is a physiological decay of the extracellular matrix as well as a decrease in the water content in the dermis;
  • Climatic and environmental factors: the cold and the wind, but also excessive sun exposure during the summer period, significantly affect the degree of hydration of our skin.

How to treat it
Password in the treatment of dry skin is HYDRATION! The goal is to replenish the water and lipids that this skin type lacks; therefore, green light to all those active ingredients that aim to reduce the degree of water evaporation and restore the hydrolipidic balance by providing lipids and moisturizing and nourishing substances. In addition, sunscreen is essential to protect the skin from aging!

The products that are right for you:

  • Arbutus cleansing milk
  • Emulsion face serum with vegetable hyaluronic acid and arbutus
  • Strawberry tree rich day cream
  • Strawberry tree night face cream
  • Strawberry tree eye and lip contour
  • Moisturizing and soothing face mask

Oily skin

The skin appears thick, shiny and oily due to excessive sebaceous production; blackheads and dilated pores can be observed in which sebum has deposited, like a plug, which can have an inflammatory outcome with the formation of acne. The good news? Oily skin tends to age less!

How to treat it
The main goal is to normalize the production of sebum. Contrary to what is often thought, oily skin is a skin to be treated very delicately because it is easily prone to irritation.

  • Too aggressive detergents are absolutely prohibited, while delicate cleansing with easily rinsed gels or cleansing milks is preferable.
  • After cleansing, apply an alcohol-free astringent lotion.
  • Complete the daily treatment with creams or serums based on ingredients with decongestant, soothing and softening properties such as rose water, chamomile, aloe or witch hazel.
  • The weekly use of alpha and beta hydroxy acids or, in general, of purifying masks can also be useful, to promote a slight exfoliation of the stratum corneum which is often thicker than normal in oily skin.
  • Sunscreen is also essential in this case. In fact, UV radiation worsens the overproduction of sebum.

The products that are right for you:

  • Arbutus cleansing gel
  • Strawberry tree tonic water
  • Oil Free Serum Booster with Vitamin C and Strawberry Tree
  • Strawberry tree eye and lip contour
  • Strawberry tree light texture day cream

Impure skin and acne tendency

It is an inflamed oily skin, characterized by bacterial proliferation that causes the formation of pimples and pustules. This type of skin is very common in adolescence, in some cases it can persist beyond the age of 25.

How to treat it
Given that acne is a pathology and it is therefore necessary to treat it with the help of pharmacological therapies that must be prescribed by the doctor, the cosmetic, supportive treatment aims to reduce the excessive production of sebum and counteract the proliferation bacterial.

  • The choice of detergent is essential. It is necessary to avoid ingredients that are too aggressive, prefer products with a slightly acidic pH which help reduce the secretion of sebum and always opt for a product that must be rinsed off.
  • Alcohol-based products should be avoided, especially in periods of greater irritation.
  • Excellent ingredients for the treatment of this type of skin are azelaic acid and zinc salts which limit the production of sebum, but also bentonite and kaolin which are capable of adsorbing the sebum making it less fluid and reducing the anti-aesthetic effect of the skin. greasy and shiny skin.
  • Even in impure skin, hydration is very important, you just need to find the product with the right consistency: in general, moisturizing fluids with a very light consistency are preferable.
  • Solar radiation has an antibacterial and depigmenting effect that can bring short-term benefits in acne, but it also tends to worsen skin inflammation; it is therefore very important to carefully choose the sunscreen that is right for you. You can opt for a specific product, particularly light and not greasy, but remember to apply it several times a day. In fact, water and sweat tend to eliminate the product.

The products that are right for you:

  • Arbutus cleansing gel
  • Oil Free Serum Booster with Vitamin C and Strawberry Tree
  • Strawberry tree eye and lip contour
  • Emulsion face serum with vegetable hyaluronic acid and arbutus
  • Purifying and regenerating face mask

Combination skin

This skin has characteristics in common with both oily skin and dry skin: some areas (forehead, nose) are shiny and often have imperfections, others are thin and flaky. If you recognize yourself in this description, don't worry! Your skin hasn't gone crazy, this skin situation is much more common than you think and is due to a variable composition of the hydrolipidic film in the different regions of the face.

How to treat it
Combination skin is greatly affected by seasonal changes, so it is important to vary products and treatments at different times of the year. Dermo-cosmetic treatments must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis: it is necessary to carefully choose the cleanser that must not damage the driest areas and opt for moisturizing and sebum-normalizing serums and creams.

The products that are right for you:

  • Arbutus face scrub
  • Oil Free Serum Booster with hyaluronic acid and strawberry tree (evening)
  • Oil Free Serum Booster with Vitamin C and Strawberry Tree (morning)
  • Strawberry tree light texture day cream
  • Strawberry tree eye and lip contour
