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Soi i vini di agricola soi

The wines of Agricola SOI

Five elegant and particular wines are born in Agricola SOI in which the mineral and Mediterranean essence characteristic of the hilly areas from which they come stands out.

  • SOI, a very original Cannonau di Sardegna DOC, a Cannonau del Sarcidano that expresses floral and fruity sensations, an unusual sapidity, a great balance.
  • LUN, a very intense IGT with a prevalence of bovale, crunchy with hints of capers, anchovies and sweet spices.
  • NURA’,the first Nuragus DOC bottled in Nuragus, aged in terracotta amphorae, is characterized by great finesse and elegance with hints of Mediterranean scrub on which asphodel and helichrysum stand out.
  • NÈA, a Cannonau di Sardegna DOC Rosè: fresh and lively, it has a unique pink nuance, sparkling, aromatic with notes of rose petal and pomegranate with a second note of unripe cherry, long and fruity.
  • LILLÒ, a red Cannonau di Sardegna DOC PASSITO, late harvest, velvety and intriguing with sensations of dried fruit well blended with those of fruit in alcohol such as cherry and with hints of myrtle.
The recognition by the "Gambero Rosso" with the OSCAR 2017 and with the two glasses in the last five editions, the inclusion with four stars for the reds and three for the other wines in the Touring Guide "Vini Buoni d'Italia", having been selected by the "Guida di Repubblica" among the ten excellences of Sardinia, the Medal of "Civiltà del Bere" as well as the four WHA excellence diplomas of the "Merano Wine Festival" fill us with pride and stimulate us to continue on this road.
