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Piante sardegna

The properties of the Sardinian plants used by Laboratori Eudermica

The herbs of Sardinia: what are they?

There are so many endemic plants in Sardinia. So far, to characterize our cosmetics, we have been inspired and we have used Lentisk, Helichrysum and Strawberry Tree.” The scientific interest in the dermocosmetic properties of these plants is shown by the luxuriant literature which confirms what has already been expressed by the Sardinian culture and tradition. Nature is a great ally and as such must be respected.

What are the properties of the Lentisk?

In the laboratory we use cold-pressed organic Lentisk oil, so that all the active ingredients remain unchanged, guaranteeing greater effectiveness.
Lentisk is an oil with considerable emollient, lenitive, eudermic, re-epithelializing, antioxidant and anti-aging properties.
The presence of fatty acids, in particular linolenic acid rich in omega -6 and its derivatives, together with the presence of polyphenolic derivatives and tocopherols in the unsaponifiable fraction of the oil, are responsible for both the antioxidant and emollient effects.
These two effects are able to give Lentisk oil, when properly formulated, a marked anti-aging action.
Its use dates back to distant times, our ancestors used it in the kitchen as a substitute for olive oil. While in popular medicine it was used in the treatment of wounds and burns.

Mastic can be said to represent Sardinia's strength and ability to regenerate, due to its essentiality, its ability to regenerate even after a fire and its resistance to long periods of drought.

The properties of the helichrysum

Helichrysum owes its dermocosmetic properties to the presence of numerous active ingredients such as flavonoids, tannins and phytosterols.
It is used to heal wounds and scars, to accelerate the healing of burns and sunburns but also to counteract couperose, relieve psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema; thanks to the presence of flavonoids, with proven antioxidant properties, it counteracts skin aging. We use the glyceric extract of this plant, which colors the arid areas of our island with its golden yellow.

«Helichrysum and Lentisk are plants with an unmistakable fragrance, they are the ones that give the typical fragrance of the Mediterranean scrub. For us Sardinians it is like feeling Sardinia...

And the strawberry tree?

«We wanted to include Strawberry Tree extract in our formulations because it is very rich in arbutin, an active ingredient used in cosmetics to lighten and brighten the skin tone».

In popular medicine, the leaves and fruits were used to make decoctions with anti-inflammatory, diuretic and disinfectant properties for the urinary tract".

The strawberry tree dominates the Mediterranean scrub with its colours: the green of its leaves, the white of its flowers and the red of its fruits.

Where do the plants you use in cosmetic products come from?

«The raw material is supplied to us by local companies. They are the ones who take care of the harvest and transformation of the plant. The raw material arrives in the laboratory ready to be used in the formulations.
